

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. John "J.R" Luccarelli

 Welcome to Physical Education and Health!

Welcome to the Health and Physical Education Department of Terrill Middle School.  Our goal at Terrill is to encourage students to participate and enjoy the benefits of physical activity by presenting a curriculum that is enriching and motivating to all students at all fitness levels and abilities.

 We believe the middle school child has special developmental needs unique to this age group as they mature physically, mentally, socially and emotionally.  Considering the many challenges they must face as they move into adolescence, a quality comprehensive health and physical education program offers a safe environment to explore, shape, and define themselves into healthy, responsible, mature and caring citizens.

 Physical education has changed drastically in the past few years.  Physical education is not just “playtime” anymore.  It has now become a character building experience.  Students have the opportunity to develop life skills, leadership skills, and problem-solving skills while having fun with their peers.

 It is a well-documented fact that Americans become increasingly less active as they age. Just as children and youth can learn the habit of regular physical activity, they can learn to be inactive if they are not taught skills and given opportunities to be active during their childhood. 

A quality physical education program is the cornerstone of an active lifestyle for all students. It should provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes that facilitate choosing physical activity after school, at home and in the community.  The Terrill Middle School physical education program is designed to:

  • Establish a positive, safe learning environment for all students
  • Teach a variety of physical activities that make physical education class fun and enjoyable
  • Create maximum opportunities for students of all abilities to be successful
  • Promote student honesty, integrity and good sportsmanship
  • Facilitate the development and maintenance of physical fitness
  • Afford opportunities for students to succeed in cooperative and competitive situations
  • Prepare and encourage students to practice skills and be active for a lifetime


The Terrill physical education program provides a dynamic, skill-orientated program that includes many team and individual sports, games, exercises, and cooperative activities where the emphasis is on physical fitness and lifetime involvement.  Our program is not limited to the gym and the field.  

Students are also educated on many important physical, social, and mental/emotional issues during Health units in the classroom. Some of the topics covered include body image, growth and development, body systems, diseases, nutrition and smoking, alcohol and drug education.  

In an effort to help familiarize you with our Middle School Education program, the Physical Education department has set forth the

following policies.  These policies, along with your support and cooperation, will help us in this endeavor.  After reviewing these policies with you child, please return the bottom portion of this letter.  As always, if you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your son or daughter’s physical education instructor.


 To validate the curriculum for Physical Education, we have established the following system of grading.  Grading is based on four criteria that reflect the State standards for Physical Education, not all being physical in nature.   You can check your child’s progress at any time on PowerSchool. Students earn 8 points per week based on preparation, participation, effort, and sportsmanship. Students are evaluated on the following criteria:


  1. Preparation – Students must change for class. Recommended clothing includes elastic or drawstring shorts or sweatpants, t-shirts or sweatshirts, socks and sneakers.  Since the grass is often wet, students are advised to have a spare pair of socks.  Jewelry (earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, or watches) may not be worn.  The only exception is medical alert jewelry.            Students who are unprepared for class will complete a written assignment during their physical education period.
  2. Participation – Students must participate each day to the best of their ability, including the designated warm-ups and class activities.
  3. Cooperation/Attitude – Students must cooperate with both the teacher and classmates. Students are to follow classroom directions.  Students are not to be late for class.  They are to be in team formation within five minutes of the bell.  Students may not chew gum.  They must ask permission to go to the restroom or get a drink or water during class time.
  4. Effort – Students need to put forth maximum effort in order to get maximum results out of physical education. They are not necessarily expected to perform a skill with accuracy.  However, they are expected to try, and to refine their approach, as best as possible.

Grading Scale

  • 97– 100 = A+
  • 93 – 96 = A
  • 90 – 92 = A-
  • 87 – 89 = B+
  • 83 – 86 = B
  • 80 – 82 = B-
  • 77 – 79 = C+
  • 73 – 76 = C
  • 70 – 72 = C-
  • 67 – 69 = D+
  • 63 – 66 = D 
  • 60 – 62 = D-
  • 59 and Below = E
  • I = Incomplete
  • M = Medically Excused
  • P+ = Surpassed Course Expectations
  • P = Met Course Expectations
  • P- = Working Toward Meeting Course Expectations


Students are to adhere to the gym rules to alleviate the potential for injury.  Behavior problems will be dealt with according to school policy.


If your child cannot participate in Physical Education for medical reasons, please send in a note to the school nurse.  The school nurse will excuse students who present properly documented medical excuses from physical activity.  If the medical reason is for more than three days, please obtain a note from a medical provider.


Lockers are assigned to students the first week of school and are used for securing their personal belongings during the school year.  Students must have a combination or key lock for use in the locker room.  Students should be conscientious about securing belongings.  The P.E. department is not responsible for belongings left unsecured (e.g. lockers left unlocked or items left on benches).  If gym clothes are lost during the school year it is the students’ responsibility to check the physical education lost and found bins in the locker room.  Valuables should not be brought to the gym.  Please leave valuables at home or locked in your hall locker.  If a student does not have a lock, he/she must carry his/her clothes and keep in hall locker.  Students may not share a locker.