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Terrill Middle School
A Community of Learners Seeking Excellence Together
Our School
Morning Announcements
From the Principal
Ancient Civilizations Presentation
About Us
Main Office
Staff Directory
Media Center
Bell Schedule 2024/2025
6-Day Calendar
Student Handbooks
School Art Show
For Parents
Lunch Menus and Information
PowerSchool Parent Portal
Supply Lists
Health and Safety
Club Permission Slip
Club Schedule
Signboard Message Request
UCVTS Information Sessions
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Transfer Card
For Students
PowerSchool Portal
Student Email
Google Classroom
IXL (Math Skills, Grades 6-8)
BYOD - SPF wifi
Student Code of Conduct
Frontline Absence Reporting
My Learning Plan
Professional Development
Rubicon Atlas Curriculum Mapping
Staff Email
Youth Athletic Programs
Community Backpack Flyers
Digital Design
Fine Arts- Music & Arts Education
Health & Physical Education
Language Arts/English
Social Studies
World Language
Our Teachers
Adams, Rasheeda (LDTC)
Andrews, Thomas (Math Explorations)
Annitti, Olivia (Math - Gr. 7)
Atkinson, Angella (Special Education)
Barker, Stephanie (Science - Gr. 6)
Borelli, Lisa (ESL)
Bowman, Kathryn (Grade 5)
Boyle, Patrick (Social Studies - Gr. 6)
Burke, Jennifer (Special Education)
Cagnassola, Ana (Grade 5)
Camilleri, Angela (Italian)
Cammarano, Gina (Language Arts - Gr. 6)
Christiano, Ellen (Mathematics - Gr. 8)
Christopher, Chris (Art)
Cooper, Stephanie (School Psychologist)
David, Michelle (Physical Education)
DePaolo, Elena (Grade 5)
Dharmi, Suprit (Science - Gr. 8)
Diamond, Carolyn (Mathematics - Gr. 6)
DiMarco, Natalie (Special Ed.)
Director, Lisa (Writing Workshop - Gr. 8)
Emanuel, Michelle (French)
Farrell, Erin (Special Education)
Furnaguera, Raul (Mathematics - Gr. 7)
Giannacio, Matthew (Physical Education)
Gillick, John (Instrumental Music)
Gunther, Matthew (Mathematics - Gr. 6)
Hebert, Tricia (Grade 5)
Heebner, Zachary (Special Education)
Hjembo,Robin (Spanish)
Hubbard, Stefanie (Social Studies - Gr. 6)
Hulick, Sarah (Social Studies - Gr. 7)
Hunt, ,Jennifer (Special Education)
Iellimo, Vittoria (Italian)
Juarez, Melissa (Grade 5)
Jurscek, Lauren (Special Education)
Kelleher, Courtney (Grade 5)
Kelly, Sasha (Social Studies, Gr. 8)
Knoblock, David (Science - Gr. 8)
Lambo, Karen (School Nurse)
Leyden, Amanda (Math Explorations)
Luccarelli, John (Physical Education)
Mains, Lauren (Special Education)
Manente, Emily (Science - Gr. 7)
Manhire, Julia (Digital Arts - Gr. 7)
Manniello, Kira (Writing Workshop - Gr. 7)
Markovitz, Lauren (Counseling - Gr. 5 & 6)
Matta, Kaitlyn (Language Arts - Gr. 7)
McCabe, Robin (Social Studies - Gr. 8)
Moffitt, Christopher (Grade 5)
Monaco, Joy (Special Education)
Neidig, Alexandra (Physical Education)
Odim, Sarah (Language Arts - Gr. 8)
Orr, Jessica (Speech)
Parvin, Andrew (Social Studies - Gr. 7)
Passucci, Alex (Physical Education)
Pierce, Bria (Grade 5)
Powderly, Jaimie (Special Education)
Rivas, Jessica (Special Education)
Roskin, Joseph (QUEST)
Ross, Diane (Language Arts - Gr. 6)
Schetelich, John (Grade 5)
Shalan, Nora (Writing Workshop - Gr. 6)
Shalhoub, Erin (Special Education)
Shelton, Margaret (Language Arts - Gr. 8)
Shore, Trey (Instrumental Music - Gr. 5 & 6)
Solomon, Carrie (Language Arts - Gr. 7)
Soltys, Megan (Vocal Music)
Tavares, Jessica (Science - Gr. 7)
Tinker, Kimberly (Writing Workshop - Gr. 6)
Vinco, Angelo (Math - Gr. 8)
Walkover, Emily (Writing Workshop - Gr. 8)
Winters, Ingrid (Special Education)
Wolf, Amanda (Counseling - (Gr. 7 & 8)
Yap-Diangco, Phillip (Media Specialist)
Terrill PTA
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Student Handbook Grade 5
Student Handbooks
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Student Handbook Grades 6/8
Student Handbook Grade 5
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