Committee Descriptions

  • 5TH GRADE ROOM PARENT - 5th Grade Parents help to plan parties, attend class trips and provide communication between the school and class parents.  <OPEN POSITIONS>

    6TH GRADE SOCIAL CO-CHAIRSPlan and run the two 6th grade after school social events held at the school from 3pm - 4:30pm. Assist with registrations, volunteer recruitment, and day of coordination.

    7TH GRADE SOCIAL CO-CHAIRSPlan and run the winter 7th grade after school social event held at the school from 3pm - 4:30pm. Assist with registrations, volunteer recruitment, and day of coordination.

    8TH GRADE COMMITTEE - Committee organizes and/or supports activities for the 8th graders (e.g. 8th Grade Dance, Staff vs 8th Graders Volleyball Game, Pretzel Sales, organize snacks and water for the recognition night etc.)

    AUTHOR VISITSCommittee schedules authors to visit Nettingham and takes care of all book orders associated with author visits. 

    BOOK FAIRCommittee organizes the week-long Book Fairs held twice during the school year, including setting up dates with the Scholastic representative and organizing volunteers to work the fair. 

    CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY - The committee facilitates activities for Think Purple Week. This includes distributing purple cards to all grades so students may write inspirational messages to graduating 8th graders and high-school seniors at SPFHS.

    CLOTHING DRIVE - Committee organizes 2 clothing drives for the school. (Fall and Spring)  

    COLOR RUN - Committee is responsible for setting up and running the spring Color Run after school on the Field of Dreams (field next to school).  <OPEN CO-CHAIR POSITION>

    CULTURAL ARTS - Committee is responsible for investigating and planning programs, workshops and special events to be held in the school for the cultural enrichment of the children. (Work with Principal and Assistant Principal on deciding frequency and messaging).  <OPEN POSITIONS>


    DINING FOR DOLLARS COORDINATOR - Work with VP Fundraising in identifying businesses that will host an evening where a portion of sales from Nettingham families will benefit the PTA.


    HOSPITALITY/STAFF APPRECIATION - Committee coordinates Welcome Back Breakfast for teachers and staff, Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week Luncheon & Activities, and any celebrations for retiring teachers  <OPEN POSITIONS>

    MEMBERSHIP - Organizes PTA membership drive<OPEN POSITION>

    NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE - Work with President and VP Communications to gather updated information to include in weekly newsletter. <OPEN POSITIONS>

    NOMINATING COMMITTEE - Identify, recruit, and nominate individuals to fill open Executive Board positions. <OPEN POSITIONS>

    REFLECTIONS - Art competition sponsored by the National PTA. The committee will promote the program at Nettingham and organize entries for submission to county, state and national competition. 

    SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM HIGH SCHOOL - Work with HS Scholarship committee and coordinate reading scholarship applications to help determine recipients. <OPEN POSITIONS>

    SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM MIDDLE SCHOOL - Review and score incoming scholarship applications from Nettingham students to determine recipients of summer scholarships from PTA. 

    SCIENCE FAIR COMMITTEE - Work with school contact to run the Science Fair / STEM Expo in the Spring. <OPEN CO-CHAIR POSITION>

    THEME PARK TICKETSOrganizes the sale of tickets for a theme park and distributes the tickets.


    If you have any questions regarding these committees, please reach out to our PTA President,  Denise Salamanca.