Welcome to the McGinn PTA

  • Welcome to the McGinn Parent Teacher Association (PTA) page!  We are an organization of parents and teachers that work together to enhance the learning experience for all of our children.  By hosting programs throughout the school year, we strive to provide both educational and fun experiences for the McGinn Community.  Our success relies totally on volunteers, so we encourage you to become an active member today! 

    • Click on the McGinn e-blast link below to sign up to receive our weekly emails and keep up to date on what's happening at McGinn throughout the school year.  

    McGinn E-Blast Sign-up
    • GiveBacks is our online family directory and store! It's a great way to find class lists, phone numbers, addresses of McGinn families and use the online PTA payment system to make purchases from our various fundraisers.  If you are new to McGinn or would like to sign up for GiveBacks, please click on the link below. 

    GiveBacks Login

    GiveBacks, create an account


    • In addition to our e-Blast, follow us on Facebook for more frequent information about what has happened, is happening, or will be happening.

    McGinn PTA Facebook Page