• The School One PTA offers parents the opportunity to purchase pre-packaged teacher-approved school supply kits for their children through School Tool Box. The sale runs from April 29th-June 23rd. Go to www.schooltoolbox.com.  Click on “Find boxes now.” Then type in School One when it prompts you to enter the school name. You will then be able to choose the appropriate grade box for your child.   Be sure to select the box for the grade your child WILL BE ENTERING IN SEPTEMBER 2024. Follow the check-out directions.

    The school supply kits will ship to School One at the end of August, and will be on your child’s desk for the first day of school. Each school box includes the correct number of brand-named items as requested by your child’s teacher.

    For every box of supplies purchased, School Tool Box will donate a meal to a starving child through their partnership with Feed My Starving Children, a non-profit charity.

    School Tool Box’s service phone number is 800-952-1119

    For questions you may also email:

    Renee Mahoney at reneemmahoney@gmail.com

    For supply list details by grade level, please view below:
    Please click here for the 2024 School Tool Box Flyer for detailed information.