- Scotch Plains - Fanwood HS
- Co-Curricular Activities
Co-Curricular Activities
There is a wide variety of organizations in which SPFHS students can become involved. These include service clubs, competitive academic teams, performance ensembles, several publications, student government and honor organizations for which students must meet specific requirements. Students are encouraged to become an active part of the school community by participating in organizations in which they have a specific interest.
Club meetings and announcements are typically communicated over the PA System through the daily student announcements. Students should email advisors for additional information.
Want to learn more about the clubs and activities offered at SPFHS?
Check out club and activities spotlights on our school’s online newspaper – The Fanscotian! The Fanscotian Website
Watch and subscribe to the Raider News channel for daily announcements and school activities (and much more!)Interested in playing a sport? Check out SPFHS’s Athletics page! Athletics Page
Morning announcements and the school calendar provide activity information too!

AV/Film Club
Advisor: Mr. R. Moskal
Description: The AV/Film Club is for students who enjoy film. They will make a feature film, write, produce and direct films for the SPF Student Film Festival. Students also will attend a field trip to the Tribeca Film Festival.
Qualifications: All students are welcome.
Meetings: Wednesdays, after school
American Sign Language. ASL
All are welcome!
Advisor: Mrs Giordano mlondino@spfk12.org
Animal Care Club
Advisor - Ms. Lockwood
Qualifications - All are Welcome!
Description - Fundraising, Volunteering for Animal Shelters. Holding Adoption Days for pets
Bible Club
Advisor: Mr. Abadir
All Students are Welcome!
Bilingual Club
All Students are Welcome!
Advisor Ms. Infante
Black Student Union (BSU)
Advisor: Mrs. April ChestangDescription: BSU is an organization dedicated to providing students with knowledge of and exposure to African-American history and culture. Guest speakers, field trips, fundraising events and community service projects are a few of the activities planned each year. In addition, BSU attempts to promote multi-cultural understanding and friendship among all students and staff at the high school.
The Blue Diamond Step Squad is under the umbrella of BSU. The team practices weekly and competes throughout the school year.
Qualifications: All students are welcome.
Meetings: Weekly, after school.
Care for Kids
Advisor: Mrs. Li Salewski
Link to: Facebook Page
Description: The objective of this club is to spread awareness about children with disabilities and those in specialized hospitals. About 15% of the world’s population lives with some sort of disability, and many aren’t educated enough about this topic. The goal of our club is to raise awareness about kids with disabilities and those in specialized hospitals. By educating students about this topic, it can raise awareness and erase any false impressions that many may have. Also, we will be hosting Zoom/Google Meets instead of attending the hospitals and facilities which will also assist with the process of this. Eventually, we hope to be able to raise enough money to pay for equipment that the hospitals need, and to fulfill items on the kids’ wish lists. In the future, we also plan to donate money earned from fundraisers to organizations such as St. Jude’s Hospital which helps physicians expand their research, paying for families’ medical bills, and so much more! Our club will strive to support local hospitals, and support children in any way needed. Many kids are singled out, and feel excluded because of their condition, and our club will create an environment where they feel the tiniest bit of normalcy by clearing their heads and for them to have a new experience.
All are welcome!
Meetings: 3 - 4 times a month
Career Exploration Club
The purpose of this club is for students to interactively explore potential career paths that they may be interested in through guest speakers. Meetings are once a week.
All are welcome!
Advisor: Ms. Giordano mlondino@spfk12.org
Chess Club
Advisor: Mr. M. Hergenhan
Description: The objective of the club is to compete against other local schools. The club meets weekly to practice and prepare for the potential competitions.
Qualifications: All students welcome.
Meeting Times: Weekly
Choral Group - Las Contadoras
Advisor: Ms. Soltys
Description: This provides a special choir for girls who wish to be involved in a choral group on a high level! Honors class for grades and one credit. There are two concerts, a weekend trip and various community functions, festivals.
Qualifications: Must be in Concert Choir, and audition in September (30-40 members).Meeting Times: Weekly.
Choral Group - Mens Choir
Advisor: Mrs. J. Allen
Description: This is a special performing chorus for boys who wish to be involved in a high-level group for competition with dance choreography.
Qualifications: Audition with Director in JuneMeeting Times: Before and after school, weekly.
Choral Group - Select Choir
Advisor: Mrs. J. Allen
Description: This provides a selected “mixed” (boys and girls) chorus for any students wishing to be involved in a choral group on a higher level. Honors class for grade and one credit. The Select Choir performs at community functions, two concerts, festivals and takes weekend trips.
Qualifications: Must be in Concert Choir, & audition with the Director in September.
Meeting Times: Weekly.
Civics Debate Club
All are welcome
Advisor Mr Stack jstack@spfk12.org
Club Inclusion
Mission statement: create a social outlet as well as a way for special and general education students to be able to interact in a safe and engaging manner.
Advisors: Sandy West
Google classroom: NQUIZMC5
Color Guard
Advisor: Ms. J. Tumolo
Description: The Front Squad acts as an active member in the Marching Band. It helps to promote school spirit by participating in school activities, such as assemblies, sport exhibitions, parades, competitions and football games.
Qualifications: Tryouts are held in the spring for current eighth graders, freshmen, sophomores and juniors for Band Front and special feature groups for flags, rifle, sabres and dance.
Meeting Times: During the football season, Mondays after school from 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday evenings from 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. in September and October.
Criminology Club
Advisor - Mr. Townsend ktownsend@spfk12.org
All students are welcome!
The criminology club allows students who are interested in criminal cases and studies to have a chance to explore various crime cases with their peers in a fun and interactive way. During our meetings we will discuss some of the most famous crime cases. Meetings will take place once a month unless a guest speaker is presenting.
DECA - An Association of Marketing Students
Advisor: Mrs. M. FitzGibbon
Description: DECA provides students with the experience for a better understanding of the business world with field trips, community involvement, and statewide and national competitions in the field of marketing. Marketing Education and DECA offer students a chance to:
1. Get a business background and valuable preparation for college.
2. Gain experience to give yourself a career edge.
3. Travel throughout the nation and meet students from other states.
4. Gain recognition, self-confidence.
5. Get involved in many community activities.
6. Become eligible for over $3,000 in scholarship and cash awards.
7. Make friends and have fun while learning.
8. Build a valuable resume with DECA activities for future college and career use.
Qualifications: Juniors or seniors are eligible to join DECA by enrolling in the Principles of Marketing course (5 credits) .
Meeting Times: Scheduled by students according to need as dictated by activities.
Fall Play
Advisor: Mr. M. Knight
Description: Auditions begin in October as well as rehearsals. Rehearsals will be set and established by advisor. All cast members will be required to pay a $75.00 activity fee.
Fanscotian (School Newspaper)
Advisors: Mr. R. Koetzner
Link to site: the fanscotian
Description: To publish the high school’s newspaper and to train students in journalism. The Journalism I course is now a prerequisite for Journalism II unless waived by the instructor.Qualifications: This club produces the school newspaper. The class is open to any 10th through 12th graders who have taken Journalism I, a course that prepares them for the skills needed. Students participate in field trips and special events. All students must be willing to write, report or manage a newsroom.
Meeting Times: Period 14-15 every day.
Fashion Club
Advisor: Mrs. L. Mazzarella
Overview: This club brings students together to discuss any latest fashion and trends foing on all over the world. We do fun activiies using technology; like collages. We also will run clothing drives and other activities to help the community.
Meetings: Twice a month.
All are welcome!
French Honor Society
Advisor: Mrs. M. Gilbert
Description: This society honors students who have excelled in French and who have demonstrated an appreciation for the culture.
Qualifications: Students who have maintained B+ average at the honors level or an A- average at the academic level.
Frisbee Club
Advisor: Mr. Abadir mabadir@spfk12.org
When the weather is nice, we meet outside for ultimate frisbee. All are welcome, please see Mr. Abadir for specific information.
Future Business Leader's of America (FBLA)
Advisor: Mrs. B. HenryDescription: The FBLA Chapter was designed to prepare students for entry into the business world. Members of the Chapter participate in national and state conventions. The students compete in Account I and II, Business Law, Public Speaking and Office Procedures, Job Interview, Word Processing, and Mr. and Miss FBLA. Students may develop their leadership ability by running for State Office in FBLA. Each year, the National Conference is held out of state (i.e., Washington D.C., California, Florida).
Social Media Accounts
Instagram: @spfhs_fbla
Twitter: @SPFHSFBLAMeetings: Weekly
Girl Up Club
Advisor: Mr. Kyle Anderson
Objective:Awareness of nationwide and worldwide women’s issues such as gender equality, gender violence, education, STEM, and sports. Affiliated with the United Nations, the club would work to raise money to assist in these issues (such as drives for women’s shelters, fundraising for international education sponsoring, and advocacy for policy changes)
According to the Girl Up site, “Our programs help girls to hone their skills in community organizing, goal setting, and effective communication. Girls who complete our programming report increased confidence, higher levels of civic participation, and a stronger conviction and ability to take action for global good.”
Website for organization: https://girlup.org/leadership-development
Activities: (Virtual) walk-a-thon, gift card drives for batter women’s shelters, fundraising to sponsor girls’ education in nations where it is not readily available.Frequency of Meetings: Bi-weekly on Tuesdays
All are welcome!
Habitat for Humanity
Advisor: Mr. Townsend
Description: Club is run in conjunction with the Greater Plainfield Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. This is a community service organization, where members raise funds and participate in building projects at the Habitat sites.
Meeting Times: Check with advisor.
Helping Hands Club
The mission of the Helping Hands Club is to connect our SPF High School community and foster meaningful relationships between upperclassmen and underclassmen. We aim to make the transition into high school not only stress-free but also enjoyable.
Helping Hands Club will connect freshmen with valuable clubs, extracurricular activities, and, most importantly, mentors within the high school. Upperclassmen will serve as mentors, providing wise advice and serving as constant sources of support throughout students' high school careers.
Additionally, we will organize several community service opportunities throughout the year to encourage student involvement beyond the classroom.
Advisor- Mrs Giordano
History Club
Advisor: Mrs. Freudenfels efreudenfels@spfk12.org
All are welcome!
Hunger Heroes
Advisor: Mrs. L. DeNicola
Objective: To help support the fight against hunger in our community. To engage students in leadership and community service opportunities. We also aim to promote equity and social justice. Especially in the times of covid pandemic, More than 1.2 million of those people live in NJ. We are hoping to make a positive impact and take a bit out of hunger!
Activities to Sponsor:
-food drives
-virtual food drives
-students change hunger program
-world food day
-supporting local food banks and CFBNJ
Meetings: Once or twice a monthClub Established: 2/2021
Interact Club (SPF Rotary)
Advisors: Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. B. Esposito
This club’s objective is to connect students with local community service projects and volunteer opportunities, in order to promote the idea of "service above self." Interact is sponsored by our local Fanwood-Scotch Plains Rotary Club.Meeting Times: Bimonthly on Tuesdays, 2:30-3:00
Intramurals - Sports
Advisor: Mr. M. Fabiano
Description: Intramural activity to allow students to compete and have fun without any pressure. Students will choose their own teams.
Meeting Times: Every Thursday night in the spring.
Italian Club
Italian Honor Society
Advisor: Mrs. S. Kudron
Description: The Italian Honor Society exists as a means of rewarding excellence in achievement and an appreciation of its culture.
Qualifications: Students who have maintained a B+ average at the honors level or an A- average at the academic level.
Jazz Band
Advisor: Mr. J. Gillick
Description: To provide an opportunity to rehearse and perform music of the jazz-rock and Latin idiom and to get involved with popular dance music of the 40’s.
Qualifications: Proficiency on required musical instruments. Members selected through audition in June of each year.
Meeting Times: Morning rehearsals 6:50 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. from September through May.
Jewish Student Union
JSA (Junior Statesmen Association) Government
Advisor: Mr. J. Stack
Description: To discuss political issues on the local, state or national levels, hear from experts and investigate current problems, participate in debates, conventions and conferences related to politics, international relations, social problems. The club members also participate in other Junior State meetings as an affliate of a national organization.
Meeting times: Weekly
Mandarin Honor Society
Advisor: Mrs. L. Salewski
Marching Band
Advisors: Mr. D. Thomas and Mr. J. Gillick
Band Fron: Ms. K. Westerlund
Description: The SPF Marching Band performs at school and community related activities, which occur outside. These activities include nine football games, three to four parades, a major evaluative trip in the spring and evaluative experiences in the fall.
Qualifications: Wind and percussion instrumentalists who have been members of the middle school band or who have studied privately or who audition privately for the High School Band Directors.
Meeting Times: See advisors.
Math League
Advisor: Mr. J. Koegel
Description: The Math League affords opportunities for students to apply and extend their mathematical horizons in a competitive environment. Students involved in the Math League participate in competitions such as the New Jersey Math League, the American Mathematics Competition, and the American High School Mathematics Examination.
Qualifications: Recommended for accelerated mathematics students, open to all.
Meeting Times: Vary.
Math Tutor Club
Advisor: Mr. J. Salter
Description: An opportunity for current freshmen to receive help in their academic and honors math classes by upper classmen. This club will meet twice a week before school.
Qualifications: 9th Grade Students
Mental Health Awareness Club
Advisor: Ms. Mackenzie Conway
Description/Objectives:To raise knowledge and awareness to the students and parents at SPFHS about the realities of mental health & mental illnesses.
↳ Aid students in suicide awareness and warning signs in order to help peers and classmates struggling with mental health
↳ Let students know that they are not alone
↳ Educate and provide resources for parents on how they can approach their children when it comes to mental health situations
↳ Boost students overall happiness and mental health
↳ Provide students with ways to do deal/cope with anxiety or stress
↳ Shine light on eating disorders that get overlooked on a daily basis
Meetings: Bi-weekly -
MODEL U.N. Gov't/Politics
Advisors: Mrs. B. Oels and Ms. E. Sassaman
Description: To help students learn how the U.N. works and how international relations are conducted. In January, students attended a three day convention in Hershey, PA where they roleplay delegates to the United Nations and simulate U.N. committees.
Meetings: Times vary.
Moonglowers - Instrumental
Advisor: Mr. D. Thomas
Description: This group provides an opportunity to rehearse and perform music of the jazz-rock idiom and to get involved with popular dance music of the 40’s.
Qualifications: Proficiency on required musical instruments. Members selected through audition in June of each year.
Meeting Times: Morning rehearsals 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., from September through May.
Multicultural Club
Advisor: Mrs. Rania McCabe
Description: Students will have the opportunity to further investigat their origins and have the chance to share and educate club members about their culture.
Qualifications: All are welcome!
Meetings: See Advisor
Muse - Literary Magazine
Advisor: Mr. B McKenna
Description: The function of this group is to publish a literary-art magazine, which represents the high quality of student work, as well as to provide an atmosphere where students interested in writing can discuss the merits and shortcomings of literary work.
Qualifications: Students should be sincerely interested in analyzing and discussing the literary/artistic merits of all submissions. In addition, students should be willing to attend meetings regularly, orient English classes to the nature of the Muse, take orders, and distribute the magazine after publication.
Meeting Times: September through February, meetings are every Tuesday. During March and early April, meetings are more often to complete layout of magazine (two to three days a week).
Music/Rock Band Club
Advisor - Brian McKenna. bmckenna@spfk12.org
Muslim Student Association
All are welcome!
Advisor Ms. Farhan afarhan@spfk12.org
National Honor Society
Advisors: Ms. G. Petracca
Description: The National Honor Society promotes recognition for students reflect outstanding accomplishments in the area of scholarship, character, leadership and service. The chapter will conduct a chapter service project, which will benefit the school community.
Qualifications: 3.75 Academic Rank at end of second semester of the school year. Satisfactory ratings in areas of character, leadership, and service as rated by faculty at large.
Meeting Times: To be determined by the Club Officers.
Percussion Ensemble - Rythmsense
Advisor: Mr. J. Reo
Description: This group performs at school and community related activities, which occur outside. These activities include football games, parades, a major evaluative trip in the spring and evaluative experiences in the fall.
Qualifications: Percussion instrumentalists who have been members of the middle school band or who have studied privately or who audition privately for the High School Band Directors.
Meeting Times: See advisor.
Raiders E-Sports
Advisor: Ray Moskal
Qualifications: All Students Welcome
Raiders TV
Advisor: Mr. R. Moskal
Link: Raider News on You TubRaider News You Tube ChannelQualifications: Student must be enrolled in Intro to Journalism
Meeting Times: Varies.
Repertory Theater
Advisor: Mrs. J. Allen
Description: Student members of Repertory Theatre should have a particular interest in musical-theater. The major object of the organization each year is to stage a full-length musical production at the high school. Rehearsals begin in November.
Qualifications: Merely show up at the first meeting. Tryouts for stage parts are held. You do not have to appear on stage to be a member; there is always much to do in staging a production behind the scenes.
Meeting Times: The major production is presented in the spring no earlier than March.
Robotics Club
Advisors: Mr. Ducker-Duffy
Email: mduckerduffy@spfk12.org
Description: Both a club and a competition team. Students work together to design, build, and refine a robot to compete in the FIRST Tech Challenge. Students compete at multiple competitions leading up to a league tournament and possible state/world championships. The team is divided into several sub teams including mechanical, programming, business/marketing, logistics and strategy. Whatever your strengths or where you want to grow as an individual, there is an opportunity to do so. Students that want to learn Robotics are also welcome to come check out our Robotics Team as club members to see if it is something they'd be interested in applying for in the future.
Student Qualifications: Anyone with a passion to learn can be successful on this year-long Robotics Team. Please reach out to Mr. Duffy to apply for the competition team or for more details about joining as a club/alternate member.
Meetings: Meetings are weekly on Thursdays and Fridays from 2:50 - 5:00pm
SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions)
SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Acceptance)
Advisor: Mr. R. Koetzner
Description: This group aims to increase tolerance and understanding by raising consciousness about discrimination towards students. Through education, homophobia and discrimination can be decreased.
Meeting Times: At least monthly after school.
Science Leagues for Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Biology Advisors: Ms. K. Lockwood
Chemistry Advisors: Mr. A. Abadir and Mr. M. Krip
Physics Advisors:
Description: The Science League is unique to New Jersey and the Nation. It was started as a chemistry league and now offers competitions in chemistry, physics, and biology (AP level included). The competitions are on two levels. One level is for the students where they are ranked with each other based on their scores on the three or four exams they have taken. Any student that completes in three of the four exams receives a certificate from the Science League and the top ten percent of the students that receive a certificate also receive a plaque. The other level is for teams made up by each school. Each school must have two to four students compete in each of the subject areas. Starting in January with the first exam, the teams are ranked according to the sum of the top two students in each team. Last year, a scholarship was awarded to the first-place students in Chemistry II, Physics II, and Biology II. This year, the scholarship will again be awarded to the first-place students in each area. As a whole, the students at Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School have been very successful in the Science League competition.Qualifications: After completing a test, the top four scoring students go to competitions at designated schools in the area.
Meeting Times: December through May, once a week.
SCN (Students Concerned for the Needy)
Advisor: Mr. R. Stevens
Description: This group aids the needy through raising funds, donation drives and working at relief organizations. They also strive to inform and educate the community at large. Volunteer opportunities are provided to foster an environment of giving and sharing.
Qualifications: Students should have a commitment to helping others.
Meeting Times: Weeky.
Senior Support Club
All Students Welcome!
Advisor- Mrs DeNicolaldenicola@spfk12.org
Service - Student Movement Against Cancer (SMAC)
Advisor: Marc Fabiano
Description: The Student Movement Against Cancer's goal is to aid in the fight against cancer. The organization works to raise money for research and helps to spread awareness. Some of the activities SMAC sponsors include: The SMAC Up-All-Night, periodic cancer fundraising drives and the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life.
Qualifications: Students in Grades 9 - 12 and $10 in annual dues.
Meeting Times: The General & Executive Boards meet weekly.
SLC (Student Leadership Conference)
Advisors: Mrs. S. Calamusa and Mrs. G. DellaPietra
Description: This is an annual affair occurring on the opening days of school but continuing throughout the entire school year with a series of teams providing services and activities for the student body and, in some cases, for the community.
Qualifications: Students who have the potential for becoming school leaders.
Meeting Times: At the beginning of the school year, there is an overnight leadership camp experience. Team meetings are conducted throughout the school year to continue to work on a team designated project.
Spanish Honor Society
Advisor: Ms. Clark
Description: The Spanish Honor Society recognizes excellence in the study of Spanish and commitment to the study of the language and its culture. The organization supports S.A.L.S.A. and emphasizes community service and leadership.
Qualifications: Students must be an active participant of S.A.L.S.A., enrolled in Spanish III and must have maintained a B+ average at the honors level or an A- in the academic level. The induction of students will be during the first semester of Spanish III. Students must maintain a high average in Spanish and continue to take the subject in the senior year.
Stage Crew - Theater
Advisor: Mr. E. Perrotta
Description: The SPFHS Stage Crew operates sound and lighting equipment for both in-school groups and outside organizations throughout Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School. Stage Crew is responsible for the upkeep of sound reinforcement and lighting equipment in the auditorium. It is common for Stage Crew members to assume a very active technical AND creative consulting role for various productions. Stage Crew designs, implements and executes the stage lighting and sound for the annual Repertory Theatre show.
Qualifications: Students must have a willingness to work both paid and unpaid jobs while maintaining a courteous, cooperative, and helpful attitude. They should be willing to spend significant time at school for repairs, rehearsals, shows and other engagements related to a production. A strong technical background in electronics and computers is an asset. Stage Crew members assume leadership roles during the production of shows and must have strong decision-making abilities.
Meeting Times: Weekly.
Student Athletic Trainers
Advisor: Mrs. Laura Friedman
Description: To learn about the profession of Athletic Training through learning abut anatomy and about athletic injuries. You will learn about basic physcial therapy and attend multiple athletic events assisting the Certified Athletic Trainer with game set up, clean up and injuries.Frequency of Meetings: Daily....the more events you attend, the more you will get out of it!
Qualifications: An application is required and reviewed by the Athletic Trainer. Email Mrs. Friedman for more information.
Student Government: Class Officers & SGA
Advisors:Class Officers (Grs 9-11): Ms. K. Lockwood
Senior Class Advisors: Mrs. A. Moser
SGA (Student Government Association): Ms. C Prybella
Contact advisor for more information.SPF 2024 Student Council on Instagram @spfhs2024
SPF 2023 Student Council Instagram @raidernation2023 -
Student Union for the Neurodivergent
Student Union for the Neurodivergent
Serve as a safe place for 504/IEP students to talk about their challenges and their experiences.
Educate each other on how to deal with disabilities (schoolwork/classwork/teachers), along with those who don't have any disabilities and want to know more.
Help 504/IEP students factor in special needs services into their college application process.
Google classroom: 6ekyvdl
Advisor: Mrs. Esposito -
Students for Social Justice
Advisor: Ms. Rebecca DiBrienza
Students for Social Justice is a platform to discuss the current issues in our society that is action minded, respectful, and helps people safely explore these issues.All are welcome.
Meetings: Bi-monthly during lunch breaks and possible after school depending on when most members are able to attend. -
Students interested in Health and Medical Careers
Advisor: Ms Lockwood
All Welcome
Explorations of careers in health and medical careers
The Environmental Club
UNICEF Club - All are welcome!
UNICEF Club looks to immerse students in advocacy, social justice, and community service while promoting UNICEF's values. Throughout this club students will follow monthly themes, be exposed to community service activities and will be able to build global perspectives.
Advisor choffman@spfk12.org
Union Latina
Advisor - Lorissa Clark lclark@spfk12.org
The Union Latina club aims to promote and celebrate Latino culture, foster community, and support personal growth within our school. It is not only for Latino students, but for anyone interested in its culture. Through cultural events, community service, educational initiatives and mentorship programs, we strive to create an inclusive space for students to connect, celebrate diversity and thrive together supporting one another. If you are interested or have any questions, please reach out to Señora Clark @ lclark@spfk12.org
Winter Guard
Advisor: Samantha Jasiak
Description: Members of the Winter Guard help to promote school spirit by participating in school activities, sport exhibitions, parades and local competitions.
Meeting Times: TBD
Woodshop Club
Advisor: Mr. Maccanico
Create and design your own projects! All are welcome!
World Languages - SALSA (Spanish Club), French Club, Italian Club & Chinese Club
SALSA Advisor: Mrs. S. Calamusa
French Advisor: Mrs. M. Gilbert
Italian Advisors: Mrs. Petracca Mrs. S. Kudron
Chinese Advisor: Mrs. L. Salewski
Link to: Facebook PageDescription: These clubs promote the study of world languages and broaden student knowledge of the languages taught at the high school (Spanish, French, Italian and Mandarin).
Meeting Times: Clubs typically meet twice a month and meetings are determined by the advisors.
Yearbook - The Culmen
Advisors: Ms. Chendak ychendak@spfk12.org & Mr. Townsend ktownsend@spfk12.org
Link to Site: Culmen - The School YearbookDescription:Culmen staff plans and produces the high school yearbook. Students are involved in one or more of the following aspects of publication: photography, literary, business and layout.
Qualifications: A sense of commitment and responsibility to meet deadlines.
Meeting Times: A Culmen class meets either first or second semester. The class entitled “Photo Journalism” teaches the interested student in the techniques preparing pages for publication. After school, meetings are required.