- Scotch Plains - Fanwood HS
- Attendance Policies
Students missing nine (9) school days for a full year course and five (5) days for a semester course (half year) will not qualify to receive credit for the course. Only observances of religious holidays or suspension from school are excluded from this total. Nine (9) absences could also warrant a loss of student privileges (e.g., proms, dances, etc.) and students will lose their parking permit should they accumulate nine absences. For attendance purposes, Physical Education/Health will be counted as a full year course. Loss of credit and privileges will be determined at the attendance appeals meeting. Attendance is taken on a daily basis during block two and in all classes. Records are entered on each student on a block-by-block basis.
Students shall not be considered absent from school while participating in a school sponsored activity (e.g., field trips, athletic competitions, a legitimate pass for school business or college visits).
In keeping with the dictates of fairness and procedural due process, students may appeal the loss of credit based on medical and/or personal problems. During this process, it may be necessary for the student and/or parent to present the case before the Attendance Appeals Committee. This committee will meet on an as needed basis throughout the school year.
Appropriate Notification
Parents will be apprised of student attendance records on a regular basis.
In addition to this information being indicated on the report card, periodic notices will be sent to parents of students who have accumulated excessive absences.
Notification will be mailed to the parent informing them of a student's noncredit status.
Class Cutting
Students who are absent from class without authorization while being in attendance on the day of that absence shall be referred to the Attendance Office for cutting class. After verification, parents will be notified by mail. Students will be assigned a Saturday detention for each offense. A second cut in the same course will result in the permanent removal from the class and loss of credit.
College Visits
11th and 12th grade students are allowed three (3) documented college visits as per the State of New Jersey.
Younger students accompanying siblings will be considered absent from school.
Extended or Serious Illness
An extended or serious illness shall be considered one which requires absence from school for more than five (5) consecutive days. Such absences will not count against the student provided a statement from a medical doctor is submitted to the school nurse within five (5) days after returning.
Absences due to leaving school by signing out of the nurse's office are not excused unless the school nurse has required the student to leave. Student absence from school due to exclusion by the school nurse will be excused.
Students who arrive late to school must sign-in with the attendance officer.
After 3 tardies and each subsequent tardy, students will receive an after-school detention.
Students will lose credit after seven (7) lates to a class.
Students will receive one office detention for each time they are tardy to a class or school.
Excessive tardies will lead to Saturday detentions.
Students will only be considered present for a class if the student has been in the class for a minimum of fifty-two (52) minutes.
Five unexcused tardies will count as one cut and seven (7) unexcused tardies will count as two cuts leading to removal from class, loss of credit and assignment to Supervised Study.
Students who accumulate five tardies will lose their parking permit for two weeks/7 tardies and permit is revoked. Excessive tardiness will warrant loss of additional privileges (e.g., proms, dances, graduation, etc.).