• Celebrating Our Student Community

    The students of Scotch Plains - Fanwood Schools are remarkable!  While they might not be perfect all the time, they are capable of amazing acts of generosity and kindness.  They also have astonishing talents that enable them to rise to many challenges and achieve new heights.

    This section of our site celebrates our students as the incredible human beings that they are.  Yes, we have test scores and honor rolls which recognize some of their academic achievements.  What we recognize here are their hearts, spirits and maybe gumption not just inside our schools but in the "real" world.

    See a student doing a kindness for another person? Or were you the recipient of their generosity? Did your student complete a triathalon? Achieve that black belt? Hear about a student organizing a fundraiser to help others? Please tell us by filling out a nomination form!

    Each school will have a separate section where they can celebrate their in-house "superheroes."  Each month, we'll highlight some of those students on our district level page so anyone and everyone will know their good acts.

    We won't know about their good works unless you tell us. In each school, there's some form of "Caught you doing something good" or ways to nominate someone for their works.  However, since we want to expand the scope of our applause, we have creating an online form which will allow people outside our schools to submit nominations for those students whom we've dubbed "Purveyors of Positivity!"

    To nominate someone to be recognized as a Purveyor of Positivity, click here.

    They deserve the credit; please help us recognize them for doing good.