• Scotch Plains - Fanwood Schools
    Business Department
    512 Cedar Street
    Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
    (908) 232 - 6161
    Business Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

    Business Administrator/ Board Secretary

    Secretary x4012
Name Title Email Address Extension
Carmelina Januszanis Supervising Accountant CJanuszanis@spfk12.org 4018
Bebhinn Marconi Office Assistant BMarconi@spfk12.org 4011
Lynn Hatter Accounts Payable LHatter@spfk12.org 4017
Debbie Welch Accounts Payable DWelch@spfk12.org 4016
Name Title Link to Frequently Asked Questions & Forms Email Address Extension
Melissa Burns Benefits Specialist https://www.spfk12.org/Benefits MBurns@spfk12.org 4014
Janice Krug Payroll Specialist https://www.spfk12.org/Payroll JKrug@spfk12.org 4015
Marisol Rodriguez Transporation Coordinator https://www.spfk12.org/Transportation MRodriguez@spfk12.org 4010