- Scotch Plains-Fanwood Public Schools
- Wellness Works
Wellness Works
Wellness is an active process of being aware and making choices that lead toward optimal health and well-being. We can gain tools that will help us take better care of ourselves.
Coping with Stress & Anxiety
We can learn ways to manage our stress and anxiety so it doesn’t have as much of a negative impact on our lives.Positively Inspiring
Practicing to be kind to ourselves can take some getting used to. We can be quite tough on ourselves. Check out some quotes to remind you to be your own best friend and supporter.Games and Puzzles
Games and puzzles actually help improve our focus, logic and concentration, which can help in school as well. Have fun checking out some of these links we provided on your own or with a friend.
Coping With Stress & Anxiety (Elementary)
Why Do We Lose Control Of Our Emotions?
Sesame Street: Dave Matthews and Grover sing about feelings
Positive Self Talk
The Feelings Song
5 Simple Steps To Manage Your Anger
Fight, Flight or Freeze: A Guide to Anxiety
Coping With Stress & Anxiety (Secondary)
Fight, Flight or Freeze: Anxiety Explained For Teens
Anxiety Hack | Calm Toolbox
5 Simple Steps To Manage Your Anger
The Adolescent Brain - Dan Siegel
Positively Inspiring
Sometimes, you just need to hear a pep talk... Click on the appropriate icon below to scroll through some inspirational posts...a reinforcement of just how good we know you are. If you find one that especially speaks to you, remember what it's saying to you...about you.
Elementary Grades Secondary Grades
Games & Puzzles
When you're having a bad day or in a bad mood, sometimes it's very helpful to focus on something else to get you out of your own headspace. Here's some links to some external websites that might have just the distraction - or refocus that you need.
These are just a few of the websites out there with puzzles and games. There are many others but please remember to always use caution when searching for game websites. Do not share your personal information or download any game without an adult's approval. These few that we have listed are free sites but might have ads on them so please do not click on them or install any downloads. This is meant to be a safe place for you to visit and we want you to always be safe. We do not have control over these external websites so if a link becomes invalid, please try a different link and we'll look for a replacement site.
Elem/Middle School Wellness Circle
High School Wellness Circle
Please note that clicking on the links in the above sections will redirect you to an external site. We do not have any control over those sites nor can we guarantee that the owners of the sites will continue to host them. If a link has become inactive, please contact the Webmaster and try another link and know that we will do our best to find a suitable replacement as soon as we can.