• Wellness Rocks Wellness Works

    Wellness is an active process of being aware and making choices that lead toward optimal health and well-being. We can gain tools that will help us take better care of ourselves.

  • Coping with Stress & Anxiety
    We can learn ways to manage our stress and anxiety so it doesn’t have as much of a negative impact on our lives.

    Positively Inspiring
    Practicing to be kind to ourselves can take some getting used to. We can be quite tough on ourselves. Check out some quotes to remind you to be your own best friend and supporter.

    Games and Puzzles
    Games and puzzles actually help improve our focus, logic and concentration, which can help in school as well. Have fun checking out some of these links we provided on your own or with a friend.

  • Coping With Stress & Anxiety (Elementary)

  • Coping With Stress & Anxiety (Secondary)

  • Positively Inspiring

  • Games & Puzzles

Elem/Middle School Wellness Circle

  • A Child's path to Wellness

High School Wellness Circle

  •  HS Wellness Wheel

  • Please note that clicking on the links in the above sections will redirect you to an external site.  We do not have any control over those sites nor can we guarantee that the owners of the sites will continue to host them. If a link has become inactive, please contact the Webmaster and try another link and know that we will do our best to find a suitable replacement as soon as we can.

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